Big Basket of Roses Sea of Roses


Elegant wicker basket with roses “Sea of Roses” (pre-order 24 hours in advance) Composition: Multi-colored roses , Ruscus , Gypsophila We deliver from Ashdod to Netanya. Free delivery to Bat Yam, Holon, Herzliya (pre-order 24 hours in advance)!

We accept orders by phone: 055-991-9000

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A large basket of roses “Sea of Roses” will certainly become a bright gift for any celebration. Birthday, anniversary, wedding or just to express your sincere feelings and wishes to a loved one. Composition: Multi-colored roses , Ruscus , Gypsophila Packaging: wicker basket with a handle Compositions in baskets have been a current trend for many years. You do not have to rack your brains over where to put the flowers so that they do not wither. A special sponge with water, located inside the basket, allows you to use it as a vase. A beautiful flower arrangement can be placed on the table to create a more cozy and festive atmosphere. Such a spectacular bouquet of roses, the main feature of which is an incredible color palette, will be a wonderful gift with or without a reason! Compositions in such packaging have a number of advantages:

  • no need to look for a vase;
  • the basket is convenient for transportation;
  • The packaging protects the flowers from damage.

Fresh flowers have an incredible aroma, incomparable to anything. Such a bright basket of roses will please with its attractiveness and unique charm. Roses are distinguished by the correct shape of petals and large elastic buds. The bouquet will gradually open and exude a delicate aroma of spices, causing delight and charm. This charming flower arrangement was created for the most beautiful, beloved, dear and unique! When it is impossible to express all the love and admiration in words, when emotions overwhelm – give flowers. Live, cut flowers are very delicate and require delicate handling. Specially selected care allows you to enjoy its beautiful appearance much longer.

Let us remind you of a few useful rules that will help keep your bouquet beautiful and fresh:

  • Temperature. Freshly cut flowers do not tolerate sudden temperature changes.
  • Cool. At night, it is advisable to place the flowers in a cool place, for example, on a windowsill. However, under no circumstances should you place them near heat sources.



We deliver from Ashdod to Netanya. Delivery to Bat Yam, Holon, Herzliya is free!!! (if ordered 24 hours in advance)


On our website you can also find other bouquets of roses and flower arrangements


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